As It Pertains to me
“ As It Pertains To Me “ is a call to be not what other people know to be but to instead be by what church is in you. This is your study of what God is to be in you that you take up as the study of your space in consideration of what Heaven is to be in you. People are just that, the consideration of what this is to be to them. All journey’s begin and end where they do. One’s lamp is employed to know of the things going on in you in relation to what is understood by what the lamp makes known to you. Book one is the beginning of such a journey that begins and ends in the space of the author, not to be by what He knows taken from man but instead to be a study of what is at work within him. This being the seed of God’s Son in him, in his space. Knowing and understanding what people know and believe makes people's understanding to be a thing to you. If what others know helps them to be well in the world we live then we will be just that to the degree we can. If the goal is what God and Heaven would be in us then the understanding taken as the study itself would have to be Jesus to our space. As this is what the Holy Spirit is to make known to us, He is our teacher. God’s Pleasure in being known by His, makes Him to be the facilitator of what He’d have you to know. This causes you to be a seer by what He then is in you already. As you see what is new to you the lamp being the Holy Spirit is employed to make you aware of what it is you are seeing.
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As It
to me
“ As It Pertains To Me “ is of God or it isn’t. The book itself represents what is taken by the use of one’s lamp. So the invitation to the readers is to expose themselves to what their lamp makes of the author’s. This is not what you know pitted against what others claim to know. It is what you see or how you are to see. The lamps and their use require the oil of God’s Holy Spirit.
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About The Author
Jonathan is an enigmatic author whose literary journey mirrors the depth and complexity of spiritual exploration. With a fervent dedication to unraveling the essence of faith and spirituality, Jonathan’s writing stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to guiding others on a profound quest for spiritual understanding.

Client's words
“As It Pertains To Me” by Jonathan is a transformative journey that beckons readers to rediscover the essence of spirituality. Jonathan’s powerful narrative challenges conventional norms, urging us to seek our own spiritual truths. This book is a guiding light for those seeking a deeper, more personal connection with faith and God.
Jonathan’s book is a breath of fresh air in the realm of spirituality. “As It Pertains To Me” empowers readers to break free from dogma and institutional constraints, guiding us to rediscover the raw authenticity of our personal connection with God. It’s a revelatory call to embrace our own spiritual journeys with courage and conviction.
“As It Pertains To Me” is a compelling invitation to embark on an introspective spiritual voyage. Jonathan’s book is a revelation, challenging us to shed external influences and discover our unique spiritual paths. It’s a must-read for those seeking to delve into a deeper understanding of faith and personal connection with the divine.
Oracle Ministries
What a thing is and then becomes has to be understood by what its goals are in its conception. What then is an Oracle, and what then is a Ministry as to what a Seer then is and isn’t. If people give place to heaven in them, what are they doing and why are they doing it? I write prophetically, it is a saying that I take as God to my space by faith. What Jesus would be to my space, first in a thought and then by my lamp to know the More of Jesus in the thought. You pull with your heart as your mind and its understanding is not the goal, the goal is Christ to my space that I can entertain in the moment that I am in, and then apply myself to the exercise of Church in me. I am not that smart but nor am I dumb for that matter, what I am or are not, are set aside to know the More of what God would be to my space.
How else are you to know and understand a thing that is beyond your own being and your own heart? If I am to be the narrative of my space I would look to all I am in and of myself, so that you would know of me and my story of the time I have lived, and all I know, of how things work for the good or the bad. If I was not to be that, because I allowed what Jesus accomplished upon the cross to be the real me yet known to me, then what am I then? We’d be looking at a mystery of some kind. I said all of that because, I am not to be by all I’ve known to be. But what Heaven would be in me, this can only be known by me, as I give place to what that is to be. An Oracle then to me, is what I entertain by the Gifts resident in me, and by the lamp I study what it is I am seeing by the Light of Heaven within.
Jesus made the Father’s Heart known as the son of man. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus in Heaven known as well as Jesus in us. The Church in us is a consideration of the Father’s Heart or Christ to our space. The term believer as it relates to the early church, was a way of identifying those that gave place to Heaven in them. There was a group that was then and then a group that is yet but is soon to be Heaven on earth, in the end of days. Why have two beginnings? Why begin once only to be born again a second time? We know the pain a mother endures when their baby is born. When a man or woman is born again there is much that is to be endured in the realization of what is to be. What was before stands in the way as the establishment of our beings by what is familiar and all we’ve known that are in the way to what God would be in us. How could we give place if we could not see how we were in the way by what we had made of ourselves by what we are in and of ourselves. The Gospel is this, its Heaven’s message and good news of how God has made us to be, by what is above us.
The business of Heaven in us is what God paid for, as to what He was willing to do on our behalf in sending His Son to die upon a cross. What people know to do to promote themselves in what they are doing is nothing new. It is a needful thing by what is old. A Ministry is a service of some kind or another. People are not a product that they then sell to those around them in relation to all they know. A person’s worth and value lies in what they give place to. It does not mean that what they are giving place to is the person they have become. It just means that they are trying to practice that which is new, in them. In the world ministries are run not unlike a business. You’d have a vision for what the business was to be, that was then a service to those that would partner with you in association to being together in the endeavor.
I don’t get to have a following, nor am I to have associations with others, the Gifts and use of my lamp is what I can claim an association with. The business of Heaven is then a service to those of Heaven who like myself are the entertainment of what God’s Seed is in them, and what that is meant to be in everyone. I don’t want to be a nonprofit organization, I want to give place to the business of Heaven in me, in service to whoever was meant to be More by what Heaven was and is to be in them. A person has to count the cost because it is going to cost you everything to break from the world around you. The world is a business of its own and a club unto the establishment of what people are in and of themselves, being the whole of all they are by their hearts alone, apart from God’s.
The narrative of what is to be, by a prophetic Gift resident in me, is that many will write prophetical as I do, in service to what Heaven wills to be in them. They are the sleeping giants that will make God to be known in them as He stands up in them by all that He is, as they answer the calls upon their lives. I think I have a pretty cool job, or office or post or whatever you want to call it. Because it is a call that I have answered to be the Seer that sees too many more becoming the Seers that they are intended to be. Those on earth that are not of the world will be richer for it. An explosion of knowing God in us, as never before as the end itself is before us. If I make any kind of living doing this I want to invest in those that will write what they know to write by what they see and then know to do, by what they come to entertain in them.
The goal being to get out of God’s road in me, to then not be in the road of all those that will come to be by what God is to be in them. The giants will awaken to leave me in the dust of them running past me to do great exploits of their own. So, more than just a so be it, I say amen to that. I don’t want to be supported by anyone, I want to support those that will come to be, because I said what was to be by what Heaven was known to be in Me and then in them. It is tangible, and can be felt. The business of Heaven is to support everyone, in what God’s Kingdom is to be in them. The last are first as the first are to be last. So, take your place in this vision if you want, because the Vision has a place for you in what the Light of Heaven is to be in you. Read the books that I write just long enough to write your own.
Then by the Gifts in you and your lamp, dare you to give place to what Heaven wills to do and be in you? Heaven wills to be made known, that God’s family is complete and then the end will come as the knowledge of God spreads to the ends of the earth. We are only giving place to what Jesus is to be in us today, when Jesus returns the world will end in giving place to God’s Kingdom here on earth, just like in Heaven above us. The harvest gets done as the books write themselves by how Jesus is known to be in you. This is not a rebranding of the Church groups down through the ages past. Seers are Seers that stand alone by what God is in them. There is a Spirit of Knowing and Seeing that is now resonant upon this earth. That Spirit is what we are to awaken to. To the sound of that Spirit as Faith’s voice in us. Giving place to man’s vision is what it is to be asleep, as giving place to the Vision of Heaven in us is entirely different as what awakens us to what is within and worthy of our every consideration of what God’s Seed is in us, and makes us to be by Jesus’ ascension in us. Amen.