About The Book

As It


to me

“ As It Pertains To Me “ is of God or it isn’t. The book itself represents what is taken by the use of one’s lamp. So the invitation to the readers is to expose themselves to what their lamp makes of the author’s. This is not what you know pitted against what others claim to know. It is what you see or how you are to see. The lamps and their use require the oil of God’s Holy Spirit. We live in the end of days. So it is not a good moment to be found without any oil in your lamps by never having used them at all. The blind leading the blind is not a good look. If you are more by what God is in you then you’d have to know what that is, to afford an amen of your own to what God would be and do through you.

Knowing everything that everyone else knows is not an amen to the things God has made you to be in Him. The use of your lamp is an essential tool that you can not afford to be without. Not in the day and age we live.